Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random thoughts

I feel like writing in green today. I have so many random thoughts running through my head that I felt that putting them all down here might help. So this will probably be random with no particular road map to follow.

I am the world's worst procrastinator and it's my biggest grievance about myself. There are so many things I want to do and accomplish but for some reason, the tv or Facebook or going out or sleeping takes over. Take all this for example.... I have so many things that I am excited to do on this blog yet I can't seem to get anything really accomplished on it, which is probably why I have a crap-tastic grade for it right now. I keep a normal journal daily which seems to be what our prof wants this to be, but I have a hard time putting all my feelings on here because what goes in my journal is private and personal and is usually a bitch fest. Plus I don't think much about the Beyond Borders program unless it's the massive To Do List that I have and haven't been keeping up with.

I managed to get all my thank you cards done tonight for all those people who have helped me by donating to my $2000 target... I can mail them tomorrow. I also emailed or Facebooked everyone that got a letter but hasn't gotten back to me. So that's another couple ticks in the boxes which makes me feel good.

I wanted to write letters to some business people that I know back home but again, I can't seem to get motivated to get off my ass and do it. I am so lazy and it sucks. Probably why I can't seem to keep up in school either. Ugh- I hate that I cannot time manage. I even bought and read a book on it and I can't seem to stick to it. There always seems to be some new roadblock that I have to get around or over. Ooh, blue!! :o) It feels like everytime I get one more tick in one more box for this program, another 2 show up in its place. Damn these hoops we have to jump through is insane. Got my shots done, but now I have to get one more at least and then I have to get some other medications once I get back home. I got my passport renewed so that's good and it was probably the only thing that has not given me trouble at all. Even though I had to leave Post It Notes all around my room to remind myself to take my renewal sheet home for someone to sign. And I almost forgot to get the pics done for it as well which would have sucked. I remembered on the Sunday before I came home which happened to be the same day that I threw my Send Me To Honduras Party so that was a shit show of a day! Holy crap! But it all worked out and the food was BRILLIANT- thanks to Jay and Kenny who helped me cook and serve. I have pics of it all on my camera, but as I am a lazy procarastinator, chances are that it will take me a couple months to up load them, if at all... haha. I could do it now... Maybe I should. But the cord for my camera is like 5 steps across the room and I am nice and cozy in my bed typing this while watching Law and Order. Haha UGH!!

I always really enjoy talking to my prof about all this shit cuz she makes me feel better about everything and Im not sure how she does it. About once a week I get so frustrated about something to do with this program (mostly the money thing) and then I talk to her about stuff and she makes me feel better. So I thank her for that, but I wonder if she has a hypnosis thing in her office hiden somewhere away that calms me down and brain washes me into getting excited again??? haha. I am the type of person who needs to keep lists of things, To Do, questions etc or else I forget things all the time. I took a full page of questions for her, mostly about paperwork-ie who wants my vaccination booklet and such. Glad I brought my list... even though I still forgot to ask her two questions and had to email her anyway- D'oh!

This is getting long so I'll end it here. Dunno if any of this is relevant... but it felt good. I will be putting up some recipes that I used at my Honduras party and ones that Mark from the Working Center let me copy... yum yum... I love that place. I will be finished my hours there next Thursday but I will most definintely keep going as long as they will have me.

Ok, that's good for now. Maybe I'll upload those pictures and recipes now... but then there is a couple good movies on tv too...


Ruby Ku said...

anything I can help to get your off your couch/tv/bed, let me know haha. Your posts always make me smile. You leave me speechless. thanks for posting :)

j. said...

i feel the same way pretty regularly... i.e, trying to catch up on thank you notes from fundraising, immunizations, and most of all... procrastination!! ugh. you're definitely not alone!!