Thursday, February 5, 2009

Getting The Envelope

Over the course of the year we have all gotten together for weekend seminars hosted by Lisa and Marybee from Intercordia where we got to learn about potential placements. Once we had seen all the possible placements available to us, we had to rank our choices from 1-3 and then we get assigned to our placement based on our preferences and what's available.

Towards the beginning of Christmas, we all received envelopes which contained a card with our placements. Mine said, "Congratulations! You will be spending your summer 2009 in Honduras, working with ICYE on a medical project."

On the right hand side of my blog there is a list of all the other people in my Beyond Borders group and the links to their blogs. Some are going to the Ukraine, some to Africa, Bosnia, Nicaragua and Ecuador. If you are interested in their stories as well as mine, please feel free to take a peek- My Fellow Travellers.

I have to admit I don't know much about ICYE but I should be receiving more information soon and when I do I will be sure to update here. But if you click on the link, you can peruse their website.

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